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 Elderly coffin club in New Zealand
 ÀÌ** (steve)


Elderly ¡®coffin club¡¯ in New Zealand



In Hastings, New Zealand, a unique "coffin club" has been formed for elderly members who build and personalize their own caskets. Despite the morbid-sounding activity, club meetings have maintained a lighthearted atmosphere. The morbid work even opens doors to lighthearted discussion of a serious topic. The club aims to empower people to plan the end of their lives, and spares their relatives the burden of rising funeral costs.​

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Narrator: This may look like a routine gathering of seniors in the city of Hastings, New Zealand. But these elderly folks are passing the time with an unusual activity. Welcome to the ¡°coffin club", where members build caskets that will one day hold their mortal remains. Though it's a task of grave importance, they still manage to have a bit of fun working on their DIY coffins.


Helen Bromley: It`s all very happy, lots of jokes and I think most ... well not I think, everybody that's here is accepted that they're going to die. Whether they're making their coffins or whether they're volunteering it doesn't matter.


Narrator: The morbid work even opens doors to light-hearted discussion of a serious topic. Seniors personalize these caskets, showcasing what they have learned from life.


Kevin Heyward: It's a basic design of a coffin and I have added the Austin theme to it. Because I'm an Austin vintage car club man


Narrator: The 30 New Zealand dollar membership fee provides each new member a pressed wood coffin in one of three designs ready to be decorated. The club aims to empower people to plan the end of their lives, and spares their relatives the burden of rising funeral costs.


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1. What is the purpose of the "coffin club" in Hastings, New Zealand?

2. How do the members of the club approach the task of building their own coffins?

3. How does the club empower its members and benefit both them and their families?​​​

2024-05-14 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:08:33
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